One of thr best product we have used. Quality of the table and the clamps are excellent. The modularity of the clamps, the huge variety of the product one can gfabricate on tables shows the efforts spend behind the design development of the clamps
( Our system is the fastest and most effective way to clamp and your workpieces )
One of thr best product we have used. Quality of the table and the clamps are excellent. The modularity of the clamps, the huge variety of the product one can gfabricate on tables shows the efforts spend behind the design development of the clamps
We have beeen using FIXTO MODULARE WELDING TABLE for p[ast 1 year. We are happy in terms of the productivity and quality of welded product.Our welder are also happy using FIXTO welding table. The table has helped to resolve many fabrication problem.
We have been using this table for our range of new products. It has help us in maintaining faster turn around time and increased accuracy. We feel that every fabrication unit must have this FIXTO welding tables. We ahve decided to order more tables.
FIXTo is most afforable modular welding tables in the markets. The amount of time and money you will save in reduced fixturing time and improved repeatability makes FIXTO a sensible and wise investment.
Fixto Welding tables